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Text File | 1992-01-26 | 7.6 KB | 191 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- ================================
- 7.0 PLUS Utilities, by Robert Gibson
- ================================
- Copyright © 1992 Robert Gibson. All rights reserved.
- January 16, 1992
- Font: Geneva 12
- Please do not modify this document.
- ========================
- 7.0 PLUS Utilities is a set of Drop Boxes, Control Panels, and other
- utilities which make using System 7.0 a whole lot easier and maybe
- even a bit more fun.
- The PLUS Utilities will be available on Compuserve. The catch is,
- I still ask you to register the software by sending a few dollars
- ($5-$10), and you’ll also have to pay Compuserve fees when you
- download it. If you send enough to cover not only registration,
- but also postage and such costs, I will send you updates to software
- you have registered.
- =============================
- The entire set can be registered for $29.95 U.S. (that’s a whole 5 CENTS
- less than $30). As a registered user, you’ll get updates to the software,
- documentation, and even new software (as long as I don’t go into debt
- passing this stuff around).
- These utilities are for personal use. Any sites, commercial or
- otherwise, in which the software is used on several computers, MUST
- license the software from me either by sending a few dollars a copy of each
- program (is that so much to ask?) or $29.95 for the first three copies of
- 7.0 PLUS Utilities, and $20 for every copy thereafter up to 1000. After that,
- it’s only $12, up to 100 000. Then the PLUS Utilities are $7.00. And after
- one million copies, you get one free, plus a gold star. And a big kiss.
- Talk to me about licensing, if you’re interested.
- There is a total of more than 25 utilities in the package. See the specific
- information for the purposes and functions of these utilities. This is
- NOT a complete list. There has to be SOME kind of mystery.
- To order, send your name, address, and a cheque with $29.95 in U.S. funds
- (or $35 Canadian) payable to Robert Gibson to the address below. You will
- be sent the 7.0 PLUS Utilities disk as soon as possible.
- Robert Gibson
- RR#1 Carrying Place
- Ontario, CANADA
- Why 29.95? Well, I figure that a few dollars to register each program that
- you’ll use, and the postage and disk fees to me, add up to somewhere around
- there. You ARE getting 25 programs.
- All-in-all, I think it’s a fair deal. If you don’t think so, then download the
- utilities yourself from Compuserve. But don’t forget that there is still a
- registration fee if you use the software.
- ========
- Utilities will be given on-line support on Compuserve. E-mail me and I will
- give you a response as quickly as I can (that is usually fairly quickly).
- I will fix reported bugs as soon as possible, and will relase updated software
- in the CIS libraries once the software has been completed. New disks will be
- sent out once a sufficient number of updates have been performed. Of course,
- there is a limit to the number of updates I can send out. It costs for the disks,
- the postage, etc. I think that the first disk and a major update is fair.
- After that, I’ll have to request postage/disk fees.
- ===============
- The Drop Rob•Box family is a set of utilities (some of which require
- System 7.0 to work) which perform many functions.
- The following is a list of many (but not all) other current members of
- the Drop Rob•Box family. More are being added to the family all the
- time.
- The utilities which require System 7.0 or higher are marked with an
- asterisk (*).
- ----------
- Write messages and other files to be used on-line or on another type of
- computer normally (don’t worry about hitting return at the end of each
- line). Then toss your files (or folders/disks containing the files) into
- this Drop Box. It determines the best location in the file to insert a CR
- and, optionally, a LF, based on your criteria (number of columns, etc.).
- Useful for those who communicate on-line and send messages (probably
- everybody reading this).
- ----------
- Join text files into a single file. Very useful for telecommunicators (like
- you) who wish to join several text logs or groups of messages into one
- file. All directories dragged into this drop box are scanned, so you can
- throw in sets of files, folders or even disks, or any combination of the
- three, and all contained TEXT files will be processed.
- -----------
- Delete all files and folders you drop in this application, with an optional
- shredding facility to make files totally unrecoverable. All directories
- dragged into this drop box are scanned, so you can throw in sets of files,
- folders or even disks, or any combination of the three. You no longer have
- to go through the pain of selecting Empty Trash all the time. Also keeps
- a log of files you have obliterated for a user-specified period of time.
- ----------
- Make files and folders visible or invisible in the Finder. Useful for
- hiding private files or cleaning up ugly desktop clutter. Files are
- modified through an open file dialog, or in Drop Box mode. All
- directories dragged into this Drop Box are scanned, so you can throw
- in sets of files, folders or even disks, or any combination of the
- three. Depending on your preferences you can even show or hide
- entire directories of files.
- ----------
- LockSmith allows you to lock or unlock files, folders, and disks quickly
- and easily without the trouble of the Finder's Get Info windows. Locked
- files and disks cannot be modified until they are unlocked. No locked
- item can be renamed or deleted until it is unlocked. When used under
- System 7.0 or higher in Drop Box mode, you can modify entire groups of
- items.
- --------
- Strip all help resources from selected files to save memory and disk space.
- -------
- Drop files into this program and re-route them to other locations. For
- example, drop a text file in and move it to a Text Files folder. Or drop a
- Word document into a Word docs folder. Or a folder or disk containing
- text files, word files, and pict files, and move them to their own separate
- directories on Router’s disk.
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Verify, Split, Splice, the Strip Series (several utilities), Order, Segment, etc.
- ===============
- Control Panels are small programs which somehow modify your System
- or Finder. Although they are Control Panels, these do not have to be
- in the Control Panels folder to function properly. All 7.0 PLUS Utilities
- Control Panels require System 7.0 or higher.
- ---------
- Add a Quit menu item to the Finder for use in those memory-intense
- situations. You can also remove it if you don't like it any more.
- Does the trick described on p. 266 of Feb/92 MacUser a bit more
- elegantly and without requiring you to hone “your ResEdit skills".
- Also lets you quit from the Finder without modifying anything.
- -----
- Change the Finder's rename delay through this Control Panel without
- having to restart your machine. The rename delay is the amount of
- time the Finder waits after you have clicked on a file’s name before
- allowing you to edit it.
- ----
- Link documents and applications. For example, double-clicking on a generic
- text file can open up MS Word.
- ---------
- Modify command-key equivalents for many of the Finder’s menus.
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- HOG, Yours, etc.
- ==================
- If you have any comments or suggestions, or ideas for other programs,
- please write me a note, e-mail or post.
- Robert Gibson E-Mail:
- RR#1 Carrying Place CIS: 71261,2236
- Ontario, CANADA Internet: 71261.2236@compuserve.com
- Copyright © 1992 Robert Gibson. All rights reserved worldwide.